Friday, February 5, 2016


In this world you will have trouble. There is never a time when you will not encounter it. You live in a world of conflict and chaos. A world of darkness and sin. 

There is no escaping trouble but that is what many seem to spend their lives attempting; avoiding trouble, falling into trouble or getting out of trouble. 

But be of good cheer I say. I have overcome the world. A truth of prime importance for if I have not conquered you have no chance of overcoming. 

I didn’t say I avoided trouble I said I overcame it. I subdued it. I didn’t perfect the art of trouble avoidance but learned how to exit triumphant from all trouble I encountered. 

Think of trouble as a place on the path that you have been directed to walk on. 

If you are Mine and you are following Me then I will take you on a path. It’s a good path chosen by Me for you before the foundation of the world that you should walk in it, but on that path there is trouble. 

Why are you surprised? I never told you that the path would be trouble free. The path might be a good one but the world it passes through is not.

In this world your good path will run through trouble. What do you do? If you shrink back in fear My soul will have no pleasure in you. The path never goes backward only forward. 

You can’t just stand there paralyzed. I said follow Me, which means I am walking ahead of you on the path and I never stop. 

So your only option is to walk into the trouble with Me and trust that My Presence, Wisdom and Power will overcome the care and take you victoriously to the other side. 

Oh, and don’t think for a moment that you can simply take another path or a detour because narrow is the path that leads to life. Narrow meaning exclusive. I am the Way and I am walking ahead of you on this path. If you take another path, you will be in disobedience and you'll find yourself on another path with trouble and without Me. 

This is what so many of My children do. Seeking to avoid conflict and alleviate pressure, they take detours from the right path only to encounter a new distress filled place in the detour necessitating yet another adjustment until they are hopelessly lost and alone in a dark maze and overwhelmed by confusion and fear.

Never be dismayed by the trouble you encounter on your path of life for you are not an orphan but a son. Orphans spend their lives running on paths defined by trouble avoidance because they have never had anyone in their lives to walk with them through it. They are incapable of overcoming because they have never met He who has overcome.  

But you My son are learning to trust in Me, the One that lives in you and walks with you. You are taking less detours and I am pleased. You are learning to trust me, knowing that I am right here with you and willing and able to cause you to be more than an overcomer. 

You are seeing that My ability is endless in its creativity to take any trouble and make it work together for good in your life as you walk confidently with Him who overcame the world and its trouble.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HALLELUJAH !!! Great word of encouragement indeed!