Sunday, November 21, 2010

Peace is a Weapon

There is nothing better than to meet each day in My Peace and there is nothing more fearful than to meet the day in your own strength. It is not for you to decide whether you will meet trials and opposition. Trials and opposition are a given. The storm always comes. But if you meet the storm in My peace then I will bring peace to the storm. If you meet the storm in your own strength then fear will be you constant companion and you will drown.

There is nothing like meeting the day in My peace. My Peace is the cocoon of knowing that I have overcome the world… and you are in Me. My Peace makes you more than a conqueror of every storm of the day.

There is a peace that the god of this world offers and money is his finger. This is the reason that the world (and most of My children) seek after money. They see the results of its power in this world. Money moves things, moves people, solves problems, and brings security. Money will always be the substitute Finger of God of those who know not My Spirit; the substitute for those who know not My power. This is the peace that world offers.

Let your heart be not troubled, neither let it be afraid. This is the hallmark of My Peace. My Peace is the rest of knowing that the unlimited power, resources and solutions of My Kingdom are on tap for those who place (and keep) their minds on Me.

Know me, trust Me… and I will keep you in perfect peace.

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