Monday, July 12, 2010


To the one who would seek Me and desire Me I first grant knowledge of Me. This knowledge is the knowledge that leads to comparison and contrast. It’s the comparison and contrast that leads to repentance, yielding, death of the flesh and subsequent growth leading to the fruit of righteousness. This process is called "discipline”. 

The Fruit of Love

The work of redemption was a fruit of love. My Son performed the work of redemption because He was constrained by His intense love for Me to walk to the cross. The greatest work in history was produced because of a love relationship between Father and Son. The greatest vision and plan of the Father was manifested through the vessel of My Serving Son because of the love relationship between He and I.

You also can do no work except that it be produced through the love relationship between Me and you. As you see that you are in the beloved and that I love you intensely, and as that love becomes your love for Me then My works begin to be able to flow through you, the vessel of a serving son.

The greater the love relationship the greater the work!

Expect Me

Circumstances exist but how do you see them? First I wish that they never be seen as reality. Remember my son, circumstances are not reality unless you make them reality. To my children I should be reality.

The Narrow Path of Transformation

The path of transformation is a narrow path. I say again the path is narrow. When I say the path is narrow I don’t mean that it is hard. I mean that it is an exact path. It is a sure path. It is an exclusive path. It is the only path.

This is the narrow path.