Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Need is an abomination. Need is a manifestation of sin and the evil one and did not exist on the planet when I made it. Need is created first by mans position in sin and the enemy’s ability to move within the sin construct to create barriers of selfishness resulting in mass need. The evil one cares not that there is need nor is he capable of doing so; he only thinks of himself.

My desire is to eradicate all need.

Because the entire world lies under the control of the evil one, it is utterly incapable of meeting need. The world lies imprisoned in selfishness. Only the Kingdom is interested in opening the storehouses of abundance thus eliminating need.

The New Creation is in a unique position because only the Body can both observe need from the perspective of reality and also holds the power to change it. Only the Body can break the power of the enemy in the area of need.

Since the Body is in the unique position of holding the unlimited riches of spiritual supply it is only logical that I would send the world to you. After all, if someone needs something you go where the supply is, right? I send need to the abundant source for the sole purpose of eradicating it that people might know that I am Good and that I have withheld nothing from them.

My eyes search the land looking for these Points of Abundant Supply. I find precious few. In every New Creature resides access to this limitless source of need eradicating abundance, but each also has constructed a door that controls access. That doors name is fear.

In order to release the flow that eradicates need you must be willing to meet the need that is brought to you. If you say yes then there is no need. If you say no then you are both acknowledging that need exists and my inability to do anything about it. I say my ability because the only part you have in the matter is to say yes to the need presented. If you say yes, need is fulfilled. If you say no the door remains shut and need remains unfulfilled.

I will never bring you a need you cannot fill. I will never present you a case where you have to say no. Whenever you say no you are always saying, what will I eat, what will I drink. You are thinking about tomorrow. You are living in fear. In doing so you fail to allow me to fulfill the needs of the world and in the process you limit my ability to meet your own.

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