Monday, July 12, 2010

Expect Me

Circumstances exist but how do you see them? First I wish that they never be seen as reality. Remember my son, circumstances are not reality unless you make them reality. To my children I should be reality.

You are Gianna’s reality. Things are self evident and circumstances come and go with the passing days but you are her constant. You are her father. You make her reality and alter her circumstances. You create her things and cause them to come into existence because of your love for her and her expectation. Her expectation motivates you. Her expectation, in a good way, pressures you. Her desire and faith move you to perform on her behalf. She recognizes circumstances for they are self evident but her heart and future is knit to the one who will guide, protect, and provide: You.

She does not see any other reality than you. All flows from you. All expectation is in you. You will form the days, you will make the plan, and you will get the things. She rests in expectation. Haven’t you noticed how easily she accepts your word? Haven’t you noticed that if there is change in plan how quickly and easily she adjusts? The reason is because her expectation of the end has never changed. Her expectations of you are far beyond the unexpected changes of circumstances. Her belief in you far exceeds her ignorance of the how. In fact, the fun is in the expectation. The excitement is in NOT knowing the details. That heightens the excitement. Why? Because all of your surprises are GOOD ones. She has never had the expectation of bread and been given a scorpion. She has never been disappointed in her expectations. It is INCONCEIVABLE to you to disappoint her. I repeat INCONCEIVABLE. Daddy always produces. Daddy is good. The end will be glorious. And it always is. You do keep your word with that little girl. There might be unexpected obstacles. There might be deviations from the path that she was accustomed to. But the end was is always and the path is always sure: because she is with you.

When you went to the mall and changed the path she did not fear. No, she was excited. She began to talk with excitement to her friend and then, with sure step and joyful heart, began to walk in the new mall. She knew not what you had planned. She knew not where she was going. The fun was in the finding out. The peace was in who was walking with her. She did not begin to cry when you took another path. She did not say, “daddy you promised to take me to Games Company and you lied.” She did not fret that you had broken your promise. She waited with expectation to see what would happen. How could she have known that there are two Games Company’s? How could she have conceived that you could alter the plan and still produce the promised result? She could not be sure by looking at circumstance because, in her mind, the probability of TWO Games Companies in the same city was not in the realm of possibility. But you knew that there were two. You had gone ahead of her. You were the daddy that looks ahead. You were the good father that handles information that she does not. You had already seen something good, something that would bring joy to her heart, and tucked away that information in order to surprise her and bring her joy.

Do not look at circumstances except to observe them as physically evident. Your sight, your heart, your hope and your expectations should be on me. This is what I mean when I say, “be aware of me”. I want to be the one to whom you run to form your reality. No longer allow circumstance to occupy a place in your perspective as a separate pole of reality that stands in opposition to me. I create reality. I am your father. All circumstances that are not like me are distortions of the reality that I produce. If you see them, they are self evident but they are not stronger than me. As Gianna knows that her reality has its root in you and your goodness know that YOUR reality has its root in me and my goodness. In this truth there is expectation. In this truth there is joy. In this truth there is peace.

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