Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Need is an abomination. Need is a manifestation of sin and the evil one and did not exist on the planet when I made it. Need is created first by mans position in sin and the enemy’s ability to move within the sin construct to create barriers of selfishness resulting in mass need. The evil one cares not that there is need nor is he capable of doing so; he only thinks of himself.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Levels of Understanding

The ability of My children to move in My Word in a way that brings about visible change into the world, is dependent on the level of transformation that exist in each one. In the spirit a baby, a child, a youth and a man can receive the exact same information (revelation). To the infant that valuable information is only gibberish, to the child its recognizable words but with no meaning, to the youth the revelation will be limited to carnally applied theory, and to the man, words that can be effectively applied to alter the environment in which he operates.