Saturday, June 24, 2017

Life on Mars

There is a practical reason for obedience.

Your life is a series of choices by you of the world in the world.

My Life is the sum of the decisions by you in the world from another world.

When Mark Watney arrives on Mars, he meets the inhospitable. Mars puts out the welcome Matt of death by environment. But, Mark brought life with him expecting to live independently of Mars hostile environment. Mars, outside Watney's internal life support, is death. But, inside the suit and the pod, there is Life.

So, the first objective is to Live. All other goals are contingent on the first. The secondary aim is to expand life. I came that you may have Life. I came that you have it Abundantly.

Every decision that Mark makes is Life-related. Every thought, word, and movement are with Life in mind. Every routine and habit are cultivated and continued to maintain Life.

Natural interaction with life outside is unthinkable. A decision to shed the suit and catch some rays on a nearby rock brings instant death. No native contact allowed. It's communication between Supernatural Life contained within and natural death without.

Manuals and checklists provide procedures. They remind us that Life Steps are non-negotiable, and deviation brings death. Rebellion is stupidity because the only one who dies by straying from the Routine of Life is you.

But Life is not just lived, and survival does not define abundance. Mark trusts the Life support system so the expansion of Life can proceed. Life in Watney leads to abundant life on Mars. It might not look that way in the beginning. The terrain, temperature, and air so harsh and formidable. But there is a plan to bring Life to Mars.

Many times, I seem to give instructions that seem unnatural and illogical to Martians. Telling Joshua to walk around a city seven times was not logical. Telling Naaman to wash in a muddy river was not logical. Telling Peter how to fish was not logical. Telling Noah to build a boat far from water was not logical.

The reason that they are not logical is that Martians do not do things that way. If you want to live the Martian way, then you fight, fish and combat disease the Martian way. But My Words are not so you can live death the Martian way it's so you can Live Life on Mars My Way. Mars life is dead. You are Alive. My instructions are how to Live and Expand Life. My Way provides different directions for a New Creature on a hostile planet. Every word that I give you maintains and magnifies Life.

Are your intellect and self-confidence stronger than your obedience? Are you trying to live My Life under Martian rules?

You can't live My Life through your intellect. Obedience Lives my Life.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


I place a cocoon around you as we walk together.

I do not eliminate the storm, the shouting winds, and waves.

What changes are perception and feeling. In the cocoon of the spirit, sight and sound changes.

If a tree fall's in the forest and there is no one to hear it did it make a sound? To complete a transaction there must be a receiver for the offer.

The storm offers up its bluster, roughness, and chaos. But does it exist if there is no one the receive it?

One of the beautiful things about watching a movie is that it places you in an alternate reality that you enjoy while safe in bed eating popcorn. When you are with me in the spirit it's that way. We can eat popcorn while watching a movie about a storm. We can laugh and enjoy ourselves within the tumult. We are in the bed of the spirit eating the food prepared for us in the midst of our enemies. They growl and scream but it's like watching a movie. Our reality together is another.

I welcome you to the cocoon of my love. I welcome you to the bed of the spirit. I welcome you to loving relationship and interaction with me.

Abide in my love. Abide in my presence. In my presence, there is love and joy and peace in the spirit. In my presence, there are words of life…. Always. Always. Always.

It's from this spiritual cocoon that you interact with the outside world on my terms and not the worlds. It's from the cocoon that you dictate reality. It's from the cocoon that you walk calm through wind or waves or you tell the wind and waves to be still.

Perfect authority operates from a position of perfect rest and peace: From the cocoon.