Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Be With Me

Revelation is given to those who will come to me and spend time in my presence. I want you to receive all the revelation you can because my nature is to reveal myself to my children. There is no part of me that I wish to hide from you. 

Did I not say that I would lead you into all truth? Did I not say that I would show you all things? Sounds pretty inclusive to me. Obviously I can’t reveal myself to you if you wish to spend your time occupied elsewhere. To receive revelation you must be with me. This decision to come, be, and stay with me is yours alone to make. I am always here and I always want to be with you. Actually I am always with you anyway because I have been sent to abide with you forever, but I mean be with you intimately, where your attentions are placed on me; not me and every other person that is vying for your attention every moment of your waking day. I’m not good at sharing. I’m jealous. I want you all for myself. You mean that much to me. I can assure you that I am a lot more interesting than anyone else you know, if you would just give me and you a chance.

People place a great deal of emphasis on receiving revelation as if it were a unique gift available only to the few special chosen; pastors, preachers and teachers come to mind. And it is true that those called and anointing in these areas enjoy increased ability in the specific area of impartation of revelation to others. But receiving revelation from me is actually quite straightforward: come be with me. If a child of mine comes to me I reveal myself to him or her. It’s that simple.

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