Sunday, November 21, 2010

Peace is a Weapon

There is nothing better than to meet each day in My Peace and there is nothing more fearful than to meet the day in your own strength. It is not for you to decide whether you will meet trials and opposition. Trials and opposition are a given. The storm always comes. But if you meet the storm in My peace then I will bring peace to the storm. If you meet the storm in your own strength then fear will be you constant companion and you will drown.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Uncertainty In Paradise

You must think it’s much more enjoyable to be an angel than a man. They have the freedom to think so strategically; never getting trapped in the mire of the day to day. They fly around doing their orders, clothed in immortality. The battles in which they are enjoined are not real battles, not like yours. They see the world differently; from the point of view of eternity. They know that I always win so it makes their jobs mere exercises with assured outcomes. Not like you, wondering if what you’re doing is right and if the whole ball of string is going to come unwound. Yeah, you’re thinking that it must be pretty cushy being an angel. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

You Forget

Raising a daughter certainly has changed your relationship with Me, hasn’t it? It puts things in a whole new light. Sometimes the only way you can see things like a Father is to be a father.

Look at your daughter. Because you love her you want her to make good decisions; to avoid those things that will hurt her. You agonize when she is rebellious, ignores your instructions, and otherwise makes poor choices. That’s the agony of impotence; the distress of being powerless to prevent her destructive decisions. Do you think I feel any different when you act the way you do, making wrong decisions and hurting yourself so badly? Has it ever occurred to you that I cry for you, weep for you and feel pain when you destroy yourself knowing that I am powerless to stop you?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Your Husband Provides

As your Husband I married you knowing that your needs were part of the package, and as your Provider I am here to meet them all.

As your Husband and Provider I am ready to hear your every need, expect you to tell Me every need, and to believe in Me to meet that need. It stands to reason that if you are telling Me about the need it is because you think that it interests Me, you think that I can do something about it and that I will do something about it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Who’s Looking At Who?

I desire that you look at Me. When you look at Me there is no fear for when you look at Me you see, feel and walk in the spirit. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Reality TV

Oh, come into My presence. Come into my presence and be with Me. When you are in the car, or walking alone, or in your home you have so many chances to be with Me. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Don't Talk

The other day I told you that if I did not have anything to say, to shut up.

The reason I told you this is because the only words worth speaking are My words and the only one who can speak them is I for I alone have the words of eternal life. 

Any words that come from your mouth that are not My words are your words and thus are words of corruption and death. 

When I speak life is imparted. 

Any other word is an idle word and you will be held accountable for every idle word you speak. Every other word is a corrupt word and you will be held accountable for every corrupt word, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned. 

My words in you justify. Your own words condemn. 

Every word that comes from your mouth to the building up, to the creating of, and to the imparting of life is because it is I in you who is speaking them. This is why I said that when you go before the judges to not think about the words that you will speak, but that I in that hour would teach you what you ought to say. 

Because when you are before them, or any other man, and you do not have my words then you are condemned to speak your own.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Be With Me

Revelation is given to those who will come to me and spend time in my presence. I want you to receive all the revelation you can because my nature is to reveal myself to my children. There is no part of me that I wish to hide from you. 

Monday, July 12, 2010


To the one who would seek Me and desire Me I first grant knowledge of Me. This knowledge is the knowledge that leads to comparison and contrast. It’s the comparison and contrast that leads to repentance, yielding, death of the flesh and subsequent growth leading to the fruit of righteousness. This process is called "discipline”. 

The Fruit of Love

The work of redemption was a fruit of love. My Son performed the work of redemption because He was constrained by His intense love for Me to walk to the cross. The greatest work in history was produced because of a love relationship between Father and Son. The greatest vision and plan of the Father was manifested through the vessel of My Serving Son because of the love relationship between He and I.

You also can do no work except that it be produced through the love relationship between Me and you. As you see that you are in the beloved and that I love you intensely, and as that love becomes your love for Me then My works begin to be able to flow through you, the vessel of a serving son.

The greater the love relationship the greater the work!

Expect Me

Circumstances exist but how do you see them? First I wish that they never be seen as reality. Remember my son, circumstances are not reality unless you make them reality. To my children I should be reality.

The Narrow Path of Transformation

The path of transformation is a narrow path. I say again the path is narrow. When I say the path is narrow I don’t mean that it is hard. I mean that it is an exact path. It is a sure path. It is an exclusive path. It is the only path.

This is the narrow path.