Sunday, October 10, 2010

You Forget

Raising a daughter certainly has changed your relationship with Me, hasn’t it? It puts things in a whole new light. Sometimes the only way you can see things like a Father is to be a father.

Look at your daughter. Because you love her you want her to make good decisions; to avoid those things that will hurt her. You agonize when she is rebellious, ignores your instructions, and otherwise makes poor choices. That’s the agony of impotence; the distress of being powerless to prevent her destructive decisions. Do you think I feel any different when you act the way you do, making wrong decisions and hurting yourself so badly? Has it ever occurred to you that I cry for you, weep for you and feel pain when you destroy yourself knowing that I am powerless to stop you?

“Powerless”, you ask? “You are All Powerful”.

A misunderstood characterization if there ever was one. Even I am bound by the decisions that I have made, for I always keep My Word. And what more inimitable decision might be found than the decision to make you like Me. And what more unfathomably perilous relationship the consequence of having granted you the power to make decisions, and I to honor the decisions that you make.

I am real and have sent the Revealer to you to hone and enhance that realness. The more you are with Me the more you know that I am real and that our relationship is as real as that of you and your daughter. It’s potentially much more real for I only use her as an example because you experience joy and pain with her more acutely than even with your wife. I cry as a Father that sees his children hurt themselves. I weep as a Husband that witnesses his wife’s infidelity. I grieve as a Friend who has been deserted. I have been faithful and forgiven faithfully times without end. I love.

You say that you forget. You insist that is the problem. I’m so real to you now, but later you forget. You get upset that you are so forgetful and plead for me to help you remember. Alas, your petition cannot be fulfilled as requested because there is not a problem in you called “forgetfulness” that can be fixed.

You forget because you leave My presence.

You must seek to be in My presence and never leave it. Adam and Eve left my presence and they “forgot”. They were in a “perfect” world but there was an enemy lurking, waiting for them to leave Me. Yes, they had the ability to be away from My presence. Is that so hard to believe? Just look at yourself. You can be, or not be, in My presence whenever you want. They were the same.

Forgetfulness is a state of progressive “unrealness”. The further from My presence you wander, the more unreal I become. Your perception of reality comes from where YOU are. Not where your physical body is. That’s not the real you; that’s just the packaging, but where YOU are. When I said that I would go to prepare a place for you so that where I am you could be also, I meant for you to enjoy that reality now. That’s why I also said that as I am so are you in this world. My presence is a fixed spiritual point independent of the vagrant nature of physical movement. You have the ability to remain perpetually in My presence even though you might physically move between different geographic locations throughout the day. If you are in My presence then I will be your perception of reality.

If you will perfect what I have been showing you: remaining in My presence at all times, then you will perfectly see me, perfectly know me, and you will never “forget” again.

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